Göyləri və yeri icad edən Allahdır. O, bir işi yaratmaq istədikdə ona ancaq: “Ol!” – deyər, o da olar. (Bəqərə surəsi, 117)

Terrorun İdeolji təməli Darvinizmdir

Təkamül nəzəriyyəsinin saxtakarlıqları

"Yaradılış Atlası" adlı nəhəng əsərin Fransada meydana gətirdiyi böyük təsir

Harun Yəhyanın (Adnan Oktar) əsərlərinin dünyada yaratdığı təsir

Təkamülçülərin etirafları haqda filmlər

Əgər həqiqətən növlər o biri növlərdən tədricən inkişaf edərək törəmişsə, niyə saysız ara-keçid fosilinə rast gəlmirik? Niyə bütün təbiət bir qarışıqlıq halında deyil, əksinə tam olaraq təyin olunmuş və yerli yerindədir? Saysız ara-keçid fosili olmalı, lakin nə üçün yer üzünün sayıla bilməyən laylarında onları tapa bilmirik... Nə üçün hər geoloji quruluş və hər təbəqə belə qalıqlarla dolu deyil? ...bəlkə də bu mənim nəzəriyyəmə qarşı irəli sürüləcək ən böyük etiraz olacaq. (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, s. 172, 280)

13 Eylül 2013 Cuma

What is the solution to terrorism?

Scourges can only be brought to an end by anti-Darwinist education

That being the case, at a time when people, women, children and the elderly, are being killed as a result of the terror nourished by Darwinism, when heretical ideologies such as communism and fascism were responsible for the bloodiest period in history, it is incomprehensible for people with materialist and Darwinist mindsets to come together and publish many pages in praise of Darwin and blindly persist in Darwinist propaganda. It is very dangerous to use the state and publications paid for by the taxpayer to defend Darwin, who described civilized nations as “inferior races” and even went as far as to claim they should be ELIMINATED, and Darwinism, the foundation behind communism and fascism, scourges affecting the whole world, and behind the PKK terror in Turkey.

Darwinism has today been refuted by all branches of science. More than 100 million fossils representing 250,000 different species have been unearthed. BUT NOT ONE IS A TRANSITIONAL FOSSIL. Therefore, these 100 million fossils ALL REFUTE DARWINISM AND SUPPORT CREATION. All the fossils discovered belong to perfect, flawless and unchanged life forms. It has today been proved that it is impossible for even a single protein to form by chance. The magnificent DNA molecule, that we now know contains enough information to fill 1 million encyclopedia pages, has demolished all Darwinist claims. It has been realized that natural selection cannot add any new information to living things, and that mutations only INFLICT HARM on living things. THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT DARWINISM. Darwinists have been shown, in the face of this lack of any evidence, to resort to FRAUD, THE MANUFACTURE OF HOAX FOSSILS AND TO HIDING AWAY FOSSILS THAT PROVE CREATION. All Darwinist frauds have been exposed, but Darwinist propaganda has been maintained with a huge deception DESPITE THIS LACK OF ANY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.

Avoiding any mention of these scientific facts, defending the heretical religion that is Darwinism, the origin of bloody terror, and heaping praise on Darwin, a racist fascist, merely wastes people’s time. People now know that Darwinism is a fraud, one that has been scientifically refuted. Trying to force people to believe in a deception in the face of all this certain scientific evidence is pointless. What needs to be done is to admit that Darwinism, a heretical religion, has collapsed in the light of all the scientific facts. Countries can only be freed from the scourge of terror that afflicts them through anti-Darwinist education and propaganda. 

The Values of the Qur'an demands Goodness, Justice and Peace

Terror, in its broadest sense, is violence committed against non-military targets for political purposes. To put it in another way, the targets of terror are entirely innocent civilians whose only crime is, in the eyes of terrorists, to represent "the other".
This is an act bereft of any moral justification. This, as in the case of murders committed by Hitler or Stalin, is a crime committed against "mankind".
The Qur'an is a Book revealed to people as a guide to the true path and in this Book, God commands man to adopt good morals. This morality is based upon concepts such as love, compassion, tolerance and mercy. God calls all people to Islamic morals through which compassion, mercy, peace and tolerance can be experienced all over the world: 

You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright enemy to you. (Surat al-Baqara :208) 

The values of the Qur'an hold a Muslim responsible for treating all people, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, kindly and justly, protecting the needy and the innocent and preventing the "dissemination of mischief". Mischief comprises all forms of anarchy and terror that remove security, comfort and peace. As God says in a verse, "God does not love mischief makers". (Surat al-Qasas: 77)

Murdering a person for no reason is one of the most obvious examples of mischief. God repeats in the Qur'an a command He formerly revealed to Jews in the Old Testament thus: 

So We decreed for the tribe of Israel that if someone kills another person - unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth - it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind. Our Messengers came to them with Clear Signs but even after that many of them committed outrages in the earth. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 32)

As the verse suggests, a person who kills even a single man, "unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth", commits a crime as if he had murdered all mankind on earth. 

This being the case, it is obvious what great sins are the murders, massacres and, attacks, popularly known as "suicide attacks", committed by terrorists are. God informs us how this cruel face of terrorism will be punished in the hereafter in the following verse:

There are only grounds against those who wrong people and act as tyrants in the earth without any right to do so. Such people will have a painful punishment. (Surat ash-Shura: 42)

All these reveal that organizing acts of terror against innocent people is utterly against Islam and it is unlikely that any Muslim could ever commit such crime. On the contrary, Muslims are responsible for stopping these people, removing "mischief on earth" and bringing peace and security to all people all over the world. Being a Muslim cannot be reconciled with terror. Just the contrary, it is the solution and prevention of terror. 

This being the case, how did the popular term "Islamic terror" emerge?
What has been examined so far reveals that it is not possible to talk about an "Islamic" terror. Indeed, a closer look at the characteristics of the perpetrators explicitly reveals that this terror is not a religious but a social phenomenon.

Conclusion: Recommendations to the Western World

Today, the Western world is concerned about the organizations that use terror under the guise of Islam and this concern is not misplaced. It is obvious that those carrying out terror and their supporters should be punished according to international judicial criteria. However, a more important point to consider is the long-term strategies that have to be pursued for viable solutions to these problems.
The assessments above reveal that terror has no place in Islam. They further show the inherently contradictory nature of the concept of "Islamic terror". This provides us with an important vantage point:

1) The Western world, especially the United States, will surely take the most dissuasive measures to cope with terror and it has the right to do that. However, it has to state explicitly that this is not a war waged against Islam and Muslims but, on the contrary, a measure serving the best interests of Islam. The "Clash of civilizations", the dangerous scenario envisioned in the 90's should be at all costs prevented.

2) Support should be provided for the spread of "True Islam", which is a religion of love, friendship, peace and brotherhood, and for its true understanding by Islamic societies. The solution for radical factions in Islamic countries should not be "forced secularization". On the contrary, such a policy will incite more reaction from the masses and feed radicalism. The solution is the dissemination of true Islam and the appearance of a Muslim role-model who embraces Qur'anic values such as human rights, democracy, freedom, good morals, science and aesthetics, and who offers happiness and bliss to humanity.

3) The source of terrorism is ignorance and bigotry and the solution is education. To the circles who feel sympathy with terror, it should be said that terror is utterly against Islam, that terror only does harm to Islam, Muslims and to humanity at large. Besides, these people have to be provided with education in order to be purified of this barbarism. The United States' support to such an education policy will yield very positive results.

Our hope is that these measures will help to the world get rid of terrorism and all other bigoted, brutal, barbarous structures. With its Christian-dominated culture and population, the United States, which defines itself as "a nation under God", is in fact a real friend of the Muslims. In the Qur'an, God draws attention to this fact and informs us that Christians are those who are "most affectionate to those who believe". (Surat al-Ma'ida: 82)

In history, some ignorant people (for instance, Crusaders) failed to understand this fact and caused conflicts between these two great religions. To prevent the repetition of this scenario, true Christians and Muslims need to come together and co-operate.