Göyləri və yeri icad edən Allahdır. O, bir işi yaratmaq istədikdə ona ancaq: “Ol!” – deyər, o da olar. (Bəqərə surəsi, 117)

Terrorun İdeolji təməli Darvinizmdir

Təkamül nəzəriyyəsinin saxtakarlıqları

"Yaradılış Atlası" adlı nəhəng əsərin Fransada meydana gətirdiyi böyük təsir

Harun Yəhyanın (Adnan Oktar) əsərlərinin dünyada yaratdığı təsir

Təkamülçülərin etirafları haqda filmlər

Əgər həqiqətən növlər o biri növlərdən tədricən inkişaf edərək törəmişsə, niyə saysız ara-keçid fosilinə rast gəlmirik? Niyə bütün təbiət bir qarışıqlıq halında deyil, əksinə tam olaraq təyin olunmuş və yerli yerindədir? Saysız ara-keçid fosili olmalı, lakin nə üçün yer üzünün sayıla bilməyən laylarında onları tapa bilmirik... Nə üçün hər geoloji quruluş və hər təbəqə belə qalıqlarla dolu deyil? ...bəlkə də bu mənim nəzəriyyəmə qarşı irəli sürüləcək ən böyük etiraz olacaq. (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, s. 172, 280)

11 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba

Scourges stemming from Darwinism: communism, fascism, Satanism and terror (2)

Darwin Was a Racist Who Espoused the Elimination of Races He Regarded As Inferior 

This drawing reflects the theory of Social Darwinism which developed in the 19th century. The branches of the tree contain a chimpanzee, a gorilla, an orangutang and an African. This villainous hatred of black-skinned people was one of the founding principles of Nazism.
Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution, based the development of living things and human beings on the concept of the struggle for life. According to that view, there is a ruthless struggle for life, a permanent state of conflict, in nature. Darwin suggested that this struggle also applied between human races and claimed that it contributed to the progress of civilization by eliminating (so-called) inferior races. Darwin’s views on the Turkish nation are described as follows in the book “The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,” collected by his son: 
“I could show fight on natural selection having done and doing more for the progress of civilization than you seem inclined to admit. Remember what risk the nations of Europe ran, not so many centuries ago of being overwhelmed by the Turks, and how ridiculous such an idea now is! The more civilised so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilised races throughout the world.” 

Darwin also regarded negroes and native Australians as inferior races, and even equated these civilized peoples with “gorillas.” 
At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes ... will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla. 2  

Darwin’s words are clear: he suggests that the races he regards as inferior will soon be ELIMINATED by the Europeans. He describes the Europeans he hopes will do this as “civilised races” and describes other modern civilized societies as, in his eyes, “inferior races.”

The terror that grew up within that Darwinian perspective is responsible for World War II that cost the lives of millions of people and to the scourge of terrorism that has killed thousands in so many countries today. Therefore, it is DARWINISM and DARWINISM alone that represents the key to the terrible scourges and problems facing the world today. Darwin brought nothing but oppression, war, slaughter, death, degeneration, terror and affliction to societies. Darwinism is the worst mass deception in history and the basic foundation of all bloody ideologies.

Scourges can only be brought to an end by anti-Darwinist education

That being the case, at a time when people, women, children and the elderly, are being killed as a result of the terror nourished by Darwinism, when heretical ideologies such as communism and fascism were responsible for the bloodiest period in history, it is incomprehensible for people with materialist and Darwinist mindsets to come together and publish many pages in praise of Darwin and blindly persist in Darwinist propaganda. It is very dangerous to use the state and publications paid for by the taxpayer to defend Darwin, who described civilized nations as “inferior races” and even went as far as to claim they should be ELIMINATED, and Darwinism, the foundation behind communism and fascism, scourges affecting the whole world, and behind the PKK terror in Turkey.

Darwinism has today been refuted by all branches of science. More than 100 million fossils representing 250,000 different species have been unearthed. BUT NOT ONE IS A TRANSITIONAL FOSSIL. Therefore, these 100 million fossils ALL REFUTE DARWINISM AND SUPPORT CREATION. All the fossils discovered belong to perfect, flawless and unchanged life forms. It has today been proved that it is impossible for even a single protein to form by chance. The magnificent DNA molecule, that we now know contains enough information to fill 1 million encyclopedia pages, has demolished all Darwinist claims. It has been realized that natural selection cannot add any new information to living things, and that mutations only INFLICT HARM on living things. THERE IS NOT ONE SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT DARWINISM. Darwinists have been shown, in the face of this lack of any evidence, to resort to FRAUD, THE MANUFACTURE OF HOAX FOSSILS AND TO HIDING AWAY FOSSILS THAT PROVE CREATION. All Darwinist frauds have been exposed, but Darwinist propaganda has been maintained with a huge deception DESPITE THIS LACK OF ANY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.

Avoiding any mention of these scientific facts, defending the heretical religion that is Darwinism, the origin of bloody terror, and heaping praise on Darwin, a racist fascist, merely wastes people’s time. People now know that Darwinism is a fraud, one that has been scientifically refuted. Trying to force people to believe in a deception in the face of all this certain scientific evidence is pointless. What needs to be done is to admit that Darwinism, a heretical religion, has collapsed in the light of all the scientific facts. Countries can only be freed from the scourge of terror that afflicts them through anti-Darwinist education and propaganda. 

1 Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. 1, New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1888, pp. 285-286
2 Charles Darwin, Descent of Man, vol. 1, p. 201)